Thursday, January 29, 2009

I'm back....

took a couple of days off from writing. I think my brain was on freeze from the weather we've been having. Yet another day of snow and ice yesterday -- plus other than whining about the weather I really couldn't think of anything of consequence to write about.

SuperBowl is this Sunday and since neither the Patriots or the Giants are in, this isn't high on my priority list.

Work is work. Some exciting things going on, but nothing anyone but me would be excited about.

The economy is in the dumpster. Everyone is whining about that.

How come the Republicans under Tyrant Bush can give away zillions to every corporate exec and bank in the world, and yet every one of them, as a group, voted against the Obama stimulus plan. Yeah, there are some things in it I'm not crazy about, but give the guy a chance. So much for bi-partisanship.

I saw my first anti-Obama bumper sticker yesterday. Bright yellow, with the numbers "1-20-13, Obama's last day in office." A little positive thinking here would be helpful.

I'm having trouble mustering up positive energy myself. I am beyond tired of this winter. I am beyond tired of the negative energy everywhere. The highs of Inauguration Day should have lasted longer.

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